Orthodox Mom

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Commitment to Loveliness

Speaking of Proverbs 31 and homemaking, Emma has a really cute little thing going on right called A Commitment to Loveliness which is basically a great way to organize your life. Every week you make a list of five things you want to do and you do them! Easy right? Right! So, I'm going to (try really hard) do this with her. I keep saying that since I've had the baby, our schedule has been very inconsistent and I feel like I'm running in a gazillion different directions getting exactly nothing accomplished. I know this will help me! How many of you will join us in this challenge?

So, my five things for this week are:

1. Make a daily schedule for the boys (learning time, lunch time, nap time, bath time and bed time)

2. Finish cleaning out my closet (which trust me will take all week)

3. Plan a dinner menu for the week and make grocery list

4. Write draft for article that's been stirring in my head for 2 weeks

5. Tell my hubby how much I love him and appreciate all he does for our family

If you decide to take part in the Emma's Commitment to Loveliness, leave a comment so we can check our your commitments!