The Man and the Vine-3 DAY SALE!
On Sale now—only three days!!!
Wednesday through Friday, November 18- 21st
…a lyrical children’s story about the very essence of our Christian experience: the Eucharist
The Man and the Vine
Hardcover, 8 ½ x 8 ½
32 pages, full color
For children—ages 2-8
ISBN 13-978-0-88141-315-1
$18.00—for these three days--just $15.00!
(the sale went live early—go check it out!!!)
You can place an online order at or call 1-800-204-2665
Here is the direct link:
There once was a man who planted a vine.
So begins this rhythmical, festive children’s book about the joy of a farmer and his little daughter as they work their vineyard and offer the fruit of the vine back to their Creator in Eucharistic celebration. The vibrant images—reminiscent of vineyards in the American west—sparkle in light-saturated, warm jewel-tones and provide the perfect backdrop for the story of a man in love with the earth and his labor, and equally in love with his God. Follow this journey of a grape from the vine, to the vat, to the heavenly cup…
He dug in the earth, making room for the roots,
and the dirt smelled good and he watered the ground.
He sang a sweet song, a slow, slow song
thanking God for the ground that was made for him, and he blessed the vine.
To find out more about The Man and the Vine, visit Jane’s website!
Jane G. Meyer is the children’s book project editor for Conciliar Press Ministries and has two more picture books on the way: The Life of St. Brigid: Abbess of Kildare , to be published by Conciliar Press and The Woman and the Wheat, to be published by St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press.
Here’s what others had to say:
“…a lovely, beautifully written and illustrated book, inspired by the Holy Spirit in a way that speaks to the heart and soul of the reader.”
--Chrissi Hart, writer, and podcaster
“A reverent and loving testimony of faith, especially recommended for children's libraries in churches.”
--Midwest Book Review
"The children's book, The Man and the Vine, by J ane G. Meyer is a delight to read. The book is artfully and sensitively done with an eye to captivating the mind of a child. As a Christian grandfather of two young boys, I have antennae for books which I want to put into their hands and hearts. This book brings the child and the adult alongside, closer to Christ. I can't think of a higher achievement for any book.
I am honored to recommend this book to anyone interested in fine books for children."
--Albert S Rossi, PhD, Professor of Religious Education
"As the words ring and roll, the illustrations carry us along from humble simplicity to utter transformation. It is a joyous book, and speaks from a joyous faith."
--Frederica Mathewes-Green, author, speaker