Orthodox Kid's Pen Pal Giveaway!

I mentioned earlier that Potamitis Publishing sponsored the Orthodox Kid's Pen Pal Program and that they generously donated 12 copies of My Prayer Book to give away to random pen pals!

click the book to view sample pages

So the first book goes to....

Jorie, Age 13 from Illinois

I'll be shipping your book on Monday!!

A Few More Things...

  1. IMPORTANT: Due to the high volume of e-mails received in regards to the Pen Pal Program, I am asking everyone to please send them to PenPals{at}OrthodoxMom{dot}com!
  2. Remember letters are due out Monday, June 1st!!
  3. I am in the process of partnering the next group of Pals and I will be announcing partners (through e-mails) beginning July 1st. If anyone wishes to sign their child up and has not yet done so please contact me (at the above address) with the required information a.s.a.p.!
Hope everyone is enjoying the program!!


Peep! Peep!


Don't count your chickens...