My lil' graduate

Ace had his last day of preschool on Friday and his graduation ceremony yesterday. I cried from the moment he walked out of the door with his mini cap and gown on! I just cannot believe that we are already at this stage; this Fall my little man will be entering the real world. I just want to protect him from all of the 'bad stuff' out there, yet I know the best thing I can do for him is teach him how to overcome all of it and stand fast in his Faith.

It seems like it was only yesterday I was at home sitting in front of the t.v. watching home videos with Ben & Jerry while wishing I could keep him home. And even though he was only in school a few months I truly am going to miss the wonderful people we've met. His teachers were excellent and they will be missed along with all the little friends he made. The kids will all be attending different schools next year and it was sad saying goodbye them.

So we're moving on to the next stage, his last summer before real school. I'm hoping to fill it with lots of love, laughter and fun. This summer is going to be a very special one for me and I want lots of unforgettable memories.

I also wanted to let you all know that Ace did get into Harvard! Thank you for your prayers! We're very excited that he's been accepted, not just because of their academic excellence but because I feel safe sending him there. I know he'll be in good hands....though I may not feel that way come the first day.


Fun Summer Activities


Through the Prayers of the Theotokos..