Orthodox Mom

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The Book of Harry?!?

Many of you probably read Orthodixie, Fr. Joseph's wonderful blog, and so you've probably seen these photos. For those of you who haven't seen this, it was an article printed in the Dallas Morning News. The article itself is nothing new but the "images" they chose to accompany it have created quite a commotion among Orthodox circles.

I read through the comments and the general opinion on this is a kind of "Well, they didn't know what they were doing." Which I totally agree with.

However, we do know what they did and I'm sorry, this is personal. I'm not saying that people should write hate mail to the Dallas Morning News or anything but I think Orthodox Christians should write them a note just to let them know that it is offensive to us. Do you think that if this were an altered image of Allah, the muslim community would be quiet? Why is it that Christians are supposed to see the face of their Lord and Saviour, He who created the world, defaced and then to top it off stay quiet about it? I think it's ridiculous!

Do we not believe that our holy icons contain the spirit of those depicted? Do we not believe that when we pray before them, they hear us and see us and lift our petitions to the Lord God through their icons? How many people gave their lives to protect these holy images? And those of us living in this vain world of comfort dare to say it's not a big deal that His holy image has been defaced? It brings me to tears, it really does. My heart is so heavy and it saddens me that we, His children, have become so passive--so slow to defend His honor. He who gave his very life for us? He who was mocked and scourged and crucified for us!

St. John of Kronstadt wrote in his book My Life in Christ,

"You gaze upon the icon of the Saviour and see that He looks at you from it with brightest eyes; this look is the image of how He actually looks upon you with His eyes, that are brighter than the sun, and sees all your thoughts, hears all your heartfelt distress and sighs...Therefore pray before the icon of the Saviour as before Himself. The Lover of men is present in it by His grace, and with the eyes depicted in it really looks at you."

Please leave comments, I really want to know how you feel about this.

I also encourage everyone to email the editors of the newspaper and let them know that this did not go unnoticed and is certainly not appreciated. They are the ones who chose the photos, not the writer of the article.