Knead Blog Title!

Most of you know Jane G. Meyer. Most of you know how much I absolutely adore her. Well, she is in the process of starting a blog where she will record her progress in a bread baking project she challenged herself to beginning January 1, 2010. And she needs our help deciding on a title for this blog. (click here to read all the details.)
I think this is such a generous and exciting thing to do and it comes to no surprise that Jane is the one who "thunk it up". :) Jane is doing this to help her think of herself less and others more. I think we can all do a little more of that, don't you?
I have wanted to do something like this for so long--especially after watching Julie & Julia--something that I could challenge myself with and that would benefit others. So, I am totally jumping on the bandwagon with this one. Who is with me?
Here is my list of totally lame titles so far:
- Kneading Eachother (hahahaha...but no...)
- The Knead for Love
- Better Than Slice Bread
- A Fresh Loaf
- With love, The Baker
- Inside my Breadbox
- Need Some Dough? (I do!)
As you can see, I've come up with nothing good. So you should all really put on your thinking caps and help Jane out.