Orthodox Soup
Last year we purchased a couple DVD's from Ellinas Multimedia called Greek 4 Kids to help the boys learn more Greek. There are 3 in the set, we only have the first two but we love them! They are excellent videos and in the beginning Ace watched them quite a bit. Then slowly, they made their way to the back of the video cupboard and were forgotten. Until I ran across them on Monday that is.
Since then, Lucky has been watching them every day and gets so excited when they say words he knows. "Gala! Gala!" he shouts whenever the little white milk container pops up on the screen. :)
They're done really well, they're both educational and fun for the kids. I know many of you have left comments saying you wanted to teach your kids Greek so I thought I'd post them. I think they would make a great Christmas gift.
Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check out Presbytera Georgia's new blog, Time for Greek School. She's really put together a great resource for learning Greek online! Ace loves watching the different little videos she posts.
It's really helpful for us because we don't live in a very Greek populated area and so there are no Greek schools at all nearby. DH speaks fluently and I can read and write in Greek, better than I speak to be honest. My Greek is "not so good" and once the kids reach a certain age I feel like I don't know enough to help them. So her blog has helped me as well!
This video is from the end of the Greek 4 Kids DVD, it's called Orthodox Soup and was written by Billy Tragus and Andrew Anthony. I think it is the coolest little song! I end up singing or humming it all day after the kids watch the video. :)
I just recorded it with the camera from the actual video so it's certainly not the best quality (especially the part where Lucky whines for a minute) but you can hear the lyrics and that was the point! Hope you enjoy it!!