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Lenten Activities for Kids {part 1}

I still can't believe that Great Lent will be here in just 5 short days. I have to admit, I sort of get psyched up for it, sort of like preparing for a marathon. It all begins with the Vespers service on Forgiveness Sunday and then we remember the exile of Adam & Eve on Clean Monday (Kathadi Thevteda).I like to have a sort-of game plan beforehand that includes menu ideas and activities for the kids. We always do the Lenten Treasure Chest, which Ace really enjoys, and last year we did the Kyra Sarakosti (a.k.a. Miss Forty Days or Lady Lent) activity. Ace took it to school and they made them with his class too, which was really fun for him too. The one from Crayola is nice if you're going to be making them with people who are not familiar with Orthodox Lent because it gives a brief explanation. If you're making them for home, Potamitis Publishing has some really nice ones in their Kid's Corner. They also have some great coloring pages for the various feasts during Lent.I try to set the focus in our home around what we are preparing for. I will take a lot of the boy's DVD's out of the cupboard, leaving only the ones with Christian messages. These are some of their favorites (and mine):Really Woolly (Click here for games and other Really Woolly activities) Also, they're on sale right now for only $5.00 per DVD!!Storykeepers Easter Episode (my boys really, really love all of these. They have learned sooo much from them)Ben Hur for Kids (watch trailer below)The Legend of the Three Trees book & DVDWe have ordered all of those items plus quite a few more from the Orthodox Christian Children site and have been extremely happy with all of them. They really have good, wholesome products for not only the kids but adults as well. If you haven't checked them out, what better time than now to stock up for Lent!