Back-to-School and Back to Routines
Wow! It's been a busy month!We had an awesome Night Before 1st grade party for Ace. We made our school bus cake again (this time instead of buying pound cake, I baked one using better ingredients in 2 loaf pans) and read lots of fun back-to-school books like The Night Before First Grade, If You Take a Mouse to School, First Grade Here I Come! and a few more favorites. We went over basic rules and safety precautions, practiced the pledge of allegiance, student pledge and made sure he had his student I.D. number memorized.He's had a great couple of weeks so far!Lucky and I have been busy at home playing G.I. Joe's and working on his shapes and recognizing letters of the alphabet. We've been using a lot of these free printables from First School.He's gotten back into his routine with no problem though. He'll still try to pull a quick one on me when it comes to doing his homework as soon as he gets home but I don't budge. :)Last year we printed this after school routine poster out from Living Locurto. We laminated it tacked it to the wall to remind Ace of what the first things he needs to do when he gets home. (We added "change school clothes" and "show Mom schoolwork" is now "Do Homework")
We also use this weekly homework calendar from Family Fun. Ace's homework is assigned on Monday's and due on Friday's. This calendar helps him decide what subjects he wants to do each day. He usually fits two subjects in one day so he can have a "day off". I like it because it helps him assume responsibility for his homework. He crosses them off as he finishes them and if he asks to go play, I ask what homework he has left and he can look at the calendar and see.What back to school routine tricks or helpful activities do you have?