Holy Week Activities for Kids
In preparation for Holy Week, I try to find some fun activities to get the boys involved. This year, since I can't attend any of the services (I'm still in my 40 days), I have even more time to spend reading about holy week and doing various activities with them.One thing we all love are the Resurrection Eggs from FamilyLife ministries. There is an Orthodox translation of the booklet (also available from Phyllis Onest) called Pascha Eggs that we use every year. This is a great activity that both of my boys enjoy (that is becoming more difficult as Ace gets older and is no longer interested in "baby" games, etc.). We bought our set from Wal-mart quite a few years ago, but I know Hobby Lobby (print a 40% off coupon) and most Christian bookstores carry them too.I also pulled out our JOURNEY TO PASCHA: A Daily Guide Through Holy Week binder. It is available through the Greek Archdiocese and can be downloaded for free here. The booklet goes through each day of holy week, describing each service and explaining what it means. There is an icon for each day as well.
Last year, I printed out the story explaining why we dye our Pascha eggs red. I added it to the back of our binder along with the coloring sheets for holy week. It is available here from Orthodox Christian Education. The coloring sheets can be found here (sorry for the scribbles) :).The most recent thing I printed out is the Lenten Board Game from Phyllis Onest, director of education for the Pittsburgh metropolis (GOA). It has over eighty questions and answers and the board is composed of various icons from holy week, etc. The questions are a little advanced for Lucky, and some even for Ace, but I just paraphrase those ones into something slightly different to help them understand or make up my own questions on the really tough ones.
Listen to my latest interview on Come Receive the Light. The topic is Surviving Holy Week with Children.