2012 Orthodox Calendar {Giveaway}

I realize most of you probably have your 2012 Calendars already, but DH bought one for our house and so did I, which leaves us with one too many and I figured I may as well give it away!

The calendar is published by St. Anthony's monastery in Florence, AZ.  It's written in English/Greek and lists the various feastdays (for both calendars) and fasts for each day, along with the readings of the day.  There are some *incredible* photographs of the monastery for each month!

Since I love hearing the different saints people feel a closeness to, to enter, please leave a comment with the name and date of one of your favorite saints!  I'll choose a winner the way I always do, using a random number generator.

Winner will be announced on Monday, February 27!  

Psalter Group {sign-ups}


Orthodox {Mom} Book Club