Tune in to The Dr. OZ Show this Friday to watch me make Avgolemono Soup!
Early last month I received an email from one of the producers of the Dr. Oz Show asking if I'd be interested in filming a segment for one of their upcoming episodes. At first, I thought it was spam, but DH told me to call the number listed at the bottom of the email to see if it was legit. So I did. And it was!In all honesty, if it was for any other show I probably would have declined but I really do love Dr. Oz (who said Greeks & Turks would never get along?) and even though we don't have cable at home, I am constantly on his site checking out his latest recommendations, perusing through the Today's Top Stories and watching old episodes. Actually, it was on his show that I first discovered Shaun T and started exercising again and I've used countless recipes from there as well. His Banana Ginger Energy Smoothie is one of my favorites.He really is the only celebrity medical professional that I trust, mainly because he really does say what he believes, even when he has to take heat for it. Remember the apple juice debacle? He consistently encourages people to seek natural and more holistic approaches to healing themselves and while so many doctors continue to push various forms of medications for pretty much everything, I feel like he really tries to help people heal themselves vs. just treating symptoms.So, I agreed to do it and they emailed over all the details. They wanted me to film myself making my Yiayia's avgolemono soup, which of course, I thought was awesome. You all know how much I treasure family recipes and traditions. Instead of taping it at home, I packed up the van and drove over to my Yiayia's house so we could film at her house. She is obsessed with Dr. Oz, so this was really exciting for her. They even asked for photos of me, my mom and her, so she may even be making her daytime debut as well, lol.My brother-in-law does professional video work, so he met me there and did all the filming for me. He's so good behind the camera and I was really glad to have his expertise, not to mention this let DH off the hook. You rock, Georgie Porgie. :)I think we laughed more than we filmed though. I can't stand the sound of my own voice or seeing myself on camera, so every time George asked if I thought a clip was ok, I just busted out laughing. Even Lucky got a kick out of it.
We had a great day and I'm grateful to have been able to share the experience with my yiayia and add this experience to my book of memories.The episode airs this Friday so tune in! Check your local listings for show times. (I've always wanted to say that...) ;) I'll be linking to the episode once it's posted on the Doctor Oz site, so if you miss it check back here for a link. Have a great day everyone!