Anthropologie Inspired Snowball Garland Tutorial
This Anthropologie inspired Snowball Garland is a the perfect project for a cold winter day spent cozied up on the couch. It's quick, easy and inexpensive! And best of all it looks fantastic and adds such a fun vintage-y look to a room. I first saw it on a friend's Instagram page and then again in the last Anthro catalogue that arrived. They were $38 each and I just couldn't imagine spending that much on one strand of garland (and I'd need two of them) so I decided I'd try my hand at making my own like some others had been doing.
Guys, this was seriously easy peasy! My crafty little 10-year old niece helped make almost all of the pom-poms using a simple pom-pom maker from Michael's. I think it cost me like $2 or $3 after using a 40% coupon, and I only used two skeins of Lion Brand Thick & Quick yarn. I chose the white with gold metallic threading like the actual Anthropologie ones had but the possibilities are endless. I've seen them in red, charcoal and even multi-colored!
The first thing I did was crochet a chain long enough to hang comfortably across my windows.Then, I made loops on the ends, again like the ones at Anthro. (see photo below)After that, I measured how far apart I wanted my pom-pom's (I decide d about 6" was good) and started making them. I ended up with 12 on each strand.When I was all finished, I pulled the one end of the pom-pom string through the appropriate chain and tied it well.Then I snipped the excess yarn from each one and voila! Beautiful snowball garland!
I made mine before Christmas and don't plan on taking it down until at least the end of this month. The best part is it only took me one afternoon to finish them both and I only paid about $11!Hope you'll give it a try too! Even if you aren't a crocheter, a chain is super easy to do and you can watch a great tutorial here! Happy crafting!