Lenten Recipe Roundup

Ok, ladies. We all know that one of the hardest day-to-day aspects of lent is figuring out what to cook. That's why I started something called #lentenreciperoundup. I posted it on my social media last night and I think it'll be a great way to discover new recipes!It's super easy to use, all you have to do is search the hashtag (#lentenreciperoundup) on Instagram or Facebook and you'll find all the recipes! I posted it kinda late last night so there's only a couple so far but hopefully people will start adding their recipes and tagging friends today so we have lots of new recipes to choose from. (You can also check out my Orthodox Kitchen post for lots of menu inspiration.)If you want to join in, just share the graphic below along with a photo of one of your favorite recipes and then tag three people to do the same!


Pascha in the Desert #orthodoxfamiliestogether


Psalter Group Assignments {Great Lent 2020}