Join the Orthodox Mom community on Patreon!
For a long time now, I've struggled with privacy issues online. After doing this as long as I have (over thirteen years), you inevitably reach a point where you wonder how much of your personal life online is too much?
When writing posts and sharing private moments, in not just my life but my entire family's, you feel like you're writing to friends. And on one hand, I am. But on the other hand, I'm also writing to people who are not. I mean, when something is posted on the internet, especially on a public forum, anyone who wants can read your words and see photos of your family and slowly learn your habits and other personal information, and let's be honest, not all people have good intentions.
Also, faith is a private thing, and while I'm comfortable sharing certain elements, I'm not comfortable sharing other ones. Yet, I'm constantly getting emails and messages asking for more. And I want to give more, I really do. If some small thing that I've gathered along the way, can help someone else in the same way it's helping me, I want to share that! However, there is a constant battle on the right way to do that.
Since beginning my YouTube channel, Cultivating Home, I've learned how to start creating more video content. I also learned quickly that sharing via words and sharing via actual live video are two very different things. Telling you how to set up an icon corner and actually showing you mine, felt different. Telling you we say prayers as a family and actually showing you, felt, well, wrong somehow. It felt ingenuine-staged and quite honestly, fake. I just couldn't do it. There are a lot of these instances. Yet, you guys keep asking for ideas and I keep desperately wanting to oblige.
So, after a lot of thought and prayer, I've decided to start a Patreon page. I had a really hard time with this. I don't like the idea of charging a membership fee. Earning an income through this blog has never been a priority, which is why I've never agreed to the numerous offers and opportunities to place ads on this site or add PayPal donation buttons. Yes, it takes a lot of time and money to constantly create new content but I've been more than satisfied to offer the study guide resources and hard copy books to cover some of those costs. It's never been about money here and it never will be. It's been about the community and my service to all of you, and to God. However, there are just certain things I’m not comfortable posting here for the whole world to see.
Creating a community on Patreon and charging just a small monthly fee--$5 which is the average cost of a cup of coffee--somehow makes the circle a little smaller and I believe only people who genuinely want to be there will be willing to pay. That thought makes me a little more comfortable sharing more "behind-the-scenes" kind of videos and I think it will create a more intimate sense of community.
I've got a ton of great ideas I can't wait to share there (I'll still be posting here like usual!), beginning with a Lenten Series that will cover topics from lenten meal planning to the lenten prayer of St. Ephraim. I'm also brainstorming for a possible summer book club with live chats and more. And starting in April, I'll also be offering a Prayer Rope making course! I'm also playing with the idea of creating Orthodox Mom merch. I'm really excited about all of the possibilities!
I hope to see you all there!
For details on exactly what type of content I'll be offering, click here.