My St. Panteleimon Icon

This icon is an absolute favorite of mine. The story of how it came into our possession, in my unworthy opinion, was really a miracle. I’d first seen it at our men’s monastery during a vigil. I’d gone into the bookstore to use the restroom and it was dark but the gold on the background of the icon was shimmering in the light. I venerated it and something about it just really moved me. It’s handwritten so it was pretty pricey, and I knew my husband would have a fit if I brought yet another one home (we already had many of St. Panteleimon especially after naming our son after him). But I wanted it so badly lol. Anyway, I did a metanoia, whispered a little prayer to him, and went back into church. I didn’t tell anyone about it. 🙏🏼

The next Sunday, our Geronda told me that my icon was behind the counter in the bookstore. I was like, “What icon?” He said, “The St. Panteleimon.” I explained that I hadn’t purchased any new icons. He went on to tell me that it was behind the counter with our name on the back. 😯 We went into the bookstore and he showed me and there my name was on the back. At first, I refused to take it because I didn’t buy it and felt terrible but he insisted it was meant to come home with us, and well, you don’t argue with a Geronda or Gerondissa. 🙃

So, home it came and has been so special to me ever since. ❤️ Maybe it was a happy accident. Maybe Geronda was enlightened. Or maybe St. Panteleimon really did want to come home with us. Either way, I’m very grateful it’s ours.

I hope you all have had a blessed feast of St. Panteleimon! May the Great Healer and Martyr intercede for us always!


Dormition Study


Psalter Group Assignments {Great Lent 2024}