Out of the mouths of babes....

Recently at Wal-Mart I found a preschool composition notebook; those of you that know me know that I can get really excited about any type of neat notebook/journal/organizer etc, and I was especially excited to find this one because Ace is learning how to write words and is starting to draw actual pictures instead of just scribbles. This notebook is blank on the top half and then has the lines for him to write.

So the morning after the spider in the nose incident, he drew this picture. Of me...So my parents who just moved back to Ohio, are just obsessed with the boys(and vice versa)and want to know everything they do. So I text messaged this pic to my dad and underneath I wrote "Ace drew this pic of me. Should I be offended?" and my dad writes back "No, this is probably what you looked like when he told you about the spider in his nose. LOL."

It was then that I realized what an incredible artist my son is.


Orthodox Women with Icons....


Spider in his nose?!?