Morning Jitters
Ace went to school today since he's had no sign of a cold since Saturday. Lucky woke up at around 2 a.m. with a low fever, so I gave him Tylenol and a cold cup of water and put him back to sleep. When he awoke at 7:00 a.m. there was no fever or sniffles! DH is still a little under the weather but not nearly as bad as last night. Thank God! Through the prayers of St. Panteleimon!!So after they went on their way this morning, I poured myself a cup of coffee and took the biggest slice of pumpkin pie in the plate to eat for breakfast. I made the pie Sunday afternoon--I did cheat and use a pre-made pie crust for the first time, which doesn't taste half as good as a homemade crust, but considering the type of weekend I had, it served it's purpose. :)I am still having a really hard time adjusting to this school thing. It's just such a difficult transition, does it really get better? I mean, I really like volunteering and doing all the PTO stuff, he has fabulous teachers and it's overall just an excellent school but he is still nervous every morning, especially Monday's and the poor boy has diarrhea from his nerves every morning! (One day he'll want to kill me for posting that) It seems like no matter how good things are going I still have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about sending him off each morning. On weekends, I feel like I'm borrowing him for a few days and that I have to return him on Monday morning--like a library book or something.I keep trying to find the silver lining. He is learning a lot already and as nervous as he is in the morning he always says he had a great day when I pick him up in the afternoon. I don't know which of us is having a more difficult time.It makes me want to curl up on the couch and watch home videos again...but I promised myself I wouldn't...maybe I'll go finish off the rest of the pumpkin pie...