I have to admit I'm a little confused about the whole H1N1/Swine Flu deal. I hear reports that scare you half to death about how so many people are estimated to contract the virus and/or die from it this winter season.
You turn on the radio and you hear that more people die per year due to the regular flu and that health officials are just being overcautious...
Turn to the next station to hear that parents with children who have contracted the virus are not required to inform school authorities and if they choose to do so, most schools will not notify other parents that there has been a confirmed case in their school. This part I get because it would cause complete pandemonium but shouldn't school officials and teachers be notified?
Both of my boys have both been exposed, as my 5 year old nephew has just tested positive today (he was at our house this past weekend), and at least one child from Ace's class has it.
"Catch it early...", "The earlier the virus is detected, the easier it is to treat..." I've heard this said a gazillion times over the last few months...
So I called the doctor's office yesterday asking if I should bring both boys in to be tested and her response was, "No, we're trying to keep all the sick kids at home to avoid the further spread of different viruses." TOTALLY UNDERSTAND THAT.
Me: "So what if they do have the virus?"
Nurse: "Well, we're not testing for H1N1 any longer, any patient that comes in with flu-like symptoms is being treated as swine flu."
Me: "Well, that doesn't make sense. So when they give us these numbers on t.v. of the amount of reported cases, it's totally inaccurate because you guys aren't even testing for it??"
Nurse: "Well, they're not totally accurate, they're an estimate. Plus, if we really need to test then we will."
Me: "Don't you think the numbers are going to be more than a little inaccurate if every case of flu-like symptoms is being reported as H1N1?"
Nurse: "Um...ok, so you just need to make sure their fevers don't get really high and/or uncontrollable."
Me: "Yeah, thanks...."
Can someone in the medical field tell me what the heck is going on here???? Am I understanding this right? In a few months they are going to be pushing this vaccine down our throats like there is no tomorrow and scaring the pants off of every parent on earth and the numbers they give us on how many confirmed cases there have been is going to be totally inaccurate?
Plus, did you know if you choose to be vaccinated you will also be offered a chance to receive a free chip implanted in your body? Yup. *google "chip in H1N1 vaccine" for more info...
Don't want the vaccine? Hope you don't live in MA because you could face jail time and a $1000 a day fine for not complying...
What about the fatalities caused by the vaccine in the "1976 Swine Flu Debacle"? There were numerous side effects and deaths due to the vaccine and the epidemic never took place. Where do you draw the line?
How do you feel about all of this? Would you take the vaccine? Vote!
I am not a medical doctor and therefore am not giving medical advice, but my own opinion. If you are in that field or have different information please leave a comment.
Lord, have mercy...
National Vaccine Information Center
The Truth about the Flu Shot
Vaccine Awakening Blog
**Many of you will assume that I disagree with vaccinations altogether based on my opinion of this particular vaccine and the links that I have posted. This really is not the case. I do recognize the importance of vaccines, and I do give *some* of them to my children, I also refuse *some* of them. However, I do think there is a definite need to research what exactly is in today's vaccines (various toxins, including tissue from aborted fetuses) and to make educated choices. I think the CDC needs to take a better look at what we're injecting into our children.
The H1N1 vaccine especially scares me because there seems to be some sort of agenda behind it and there has not been enough time to determine what side effects, etc. will be a result of it.
Every person has a responsibility to do what they feel is best for their family and their decision should be respected.
**UPDATE: I am adding this chart which lists the various vaccines that use cells from aborted babies, after I received several emails requesting this information.