American Girl Tea Party
Yesterday my little friend Katerina came over after church for an American Girl tea party. I had been promising her we'd do this for months and finally it worked out. I made some fun tiny treats like bitty button cookies, mini cherry pies and heart shaped cucumber sandwiches.Here's my little helper cutting out the bread for our little sandwiches:
I checked out 3 different American Girl movies from the library for her to choose from and we both had our dolls. :) She chose the Chrissa movie, so we sat and watched it while sipping hot apple cinnamon tea (aka apple cider with cinnamon sticks).
We wore white gloves and hats and had a grand time! We both enjoyed the movie too. It dealt with the issue of bullying, which I think most children experience at some point in their lives. I hope Kat learned some new ways of dealing with any "mean girls" she may encounter at school!That's one of the reasons I like the American Girl dolls, they offer positive solutions and help young girls build character which is very rare in most of the products targeted to young girls especially. So many dolls promote materialism, vanity and love of self, whereas the American Girl dolls are wholesome looking dolls and their books/movies always have a good lesson to be learned.The day got me thinking about which American Girl doll I want for Christmas this year. My sister and I got each other our first one last year and are going to continue the tradition for as long as we both could afford! I don't care how old I get, it's still so much fun to play with dolls!