snow days.
i have to admit, i love snow days. maybe even more so than my kids. i love having my boys home with me and being able to run around and play outside in this gorgeous winter wonderland. i love coming inside and snuggling up on the couch and warming up our frozen toes with a roaring fire and giant mugs of hot cocoa.this past snowfall was the most beautiful one yet. it was just so soft and glittery and just really felt magical. we sledded and built snowmen and forts and had snowball fights. we've had soup and sandwiches for lunch in the living room while reading books like The Mitten, The Snowman and Stranger in the Woods and totally took advantage of the
lazy restful time that glorious snow provided.along with my daily psalter and lenten study readings, i've also just started the book Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson. my sister has raved about his book Bringing Up Girls for so long that i finally ordered it. (have i told you she is due with girl no. 03 any day now? yay!!! :D) so far, it's great. i even read part of chapter two out loud to my boys. there is a really sweet part written by a little girl on why "girls are more better than boys" and then a response from a little boy on "why boys are more better than girls". it was so funny to watch my boys hoot and holler over what they thought was right and wrong. :) the table of contents lists some really great topics and i'm looking forward to digging deeper into those pages.
love this guy so much.
mug courtesy of Be Still Clothing Co.
i've also been busy knitting. mostly for that baby girl i mentioned should be here any day, and also on a few things for the boys. i really want to knit them vests for Pascha this year. so far i'm thinking this one or this one in cheery spring colors.what have you been spending your winter days doing? there are a few secret projects i've been working on too...can't wait to share them with you! ;)i'm also thinking it's a good time for a winter swap. what do you think?